DeeJays and Producers:
ZupaNova, a brand of the Black Eyed Peas family tree, has announced a REMIXCONTEST for their new single, "ZupaLove".
First place will receive $1500, a publishing split, and an official release from ZupaNova.
Second place will receive $500, a publishing split, and an official release from ZupaNova.
The rules are simple:
- Download the acapella from the ZupaLove DJ pack HERE
- Any genre of music can be submitted and win
- Submit your final remix by uploading the track to your Soundcloud page with the hashtag #ZupaLoveRemix
- Email Jon Moore a copy of your remix to JonMooreProductions(at)gmail.com
- Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2023
- Winners will be announced by ZupaNova on July 5, 2023
Check out ZupaNova on IG HERE